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   About Me


Author. Screenwriter. Entrepreneur.  

"As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a gangster..." 

Until I realized what I truly wanted was to write stories about gangsters. 

Born in 1997, to a Calabrese family. Raised in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. From a young age I developed a fascination with organized crime, watching every mob movie I could find. I worked in the restaurant industry throughout my childhood into my adulthood, before I realized that I wanted more out of life. I was fortunate enough to have been gifted an extremely vivid imagination, so after completing my secondary education I decided to begin my writing career. Many years of hard work culminated in The Orion Saga. 

I began writing The Honored Society Pt 1, at the age of 19. However, it wasn't originally a book, it was a screenplay. As I wrote it I imagined seeing it on the big screen: the gunshots, the explosions - I lived it. After the story had grown too intricate and lengthly in my own mind, I realized a novel would be far more interesting, so I expanded my first screenplay into my first novel. All the while working a full time job, I completed the first book of the series in 2022 at the age of 24. 

My feature screenplay is "Canadian Connection" - A Canadian crime drama, inspired by a true story, dramatizing real life Toronto mob bosses. Depicting the lives of Domenic Racco 'Canada's Mob Prince" and his father Mike "The Baker."


I'm currently working on my next project, The Honored Society Pt 2, expected release - late 2023.   


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